Expand your botanical family with us.

We’re open every day, rain or shine.

  • Woman walking past vintage yellow truck on street


    We have plenty of parking spots on nursery grounds with parking attendants to direct you during busy seasons. We have four handicap parking spots available, two in front of each of our entrances. We have space in the back of the lot for turning around so you don’t have to back out! We’re happy to help load your car if you’re purchasing any heavy items. Pull up to our Bag Barn after checking out and we’ll load your soils for you.

  • Two people interacting at an outdoor wooden kiosk with a transparent roof and plants.

    The Grounds

    While we're well set up for quick ins-and-outs if you're in a hurry, expect to want to spend some time here. You're welcome to wear your fanciest duds or your sweatiest gardening gear. Anything goes! As our walkways are all pea gravel, we recommend sturdy shoes. We have snacks, cold drinks, and free coffee in the shop and two restrooms on site.

  • Accessibility


    We're sad to say our grounds are not easily navigable with wheelchairs or strollers. Our front greenhouse and guest bathroom are wheelchair accessible, but our shop currently lacks a ramp. We are hoping to be more wheelchair friendly in the future. We offer push carts and walkers at request.